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Aiming for Apophis

Rick Binzel had three key messages to convey to attendees at the start of a workshop held in April at a European Space Agency center in the Netherlands: “Apophis will miss the Earth. Apophis will miss the Earth. Apophis will miss the Earth.”


NASA’s strategy for space sustainability

At about 1:30 am EST on Feb. 28, NASA’s Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics Mission (TIMED) spacecraft passed close to a defunct Russian satellite, Cosmos 2221. The close approach was alarming enough that NASA sent reporters an email in the middle of the night, alerting them to the conjunction and a blog post about it. “Although the spacecraft are expected to miss each other, a collision could result in significant debris generation,” NASA warned.


NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft finally phones home after 5 months of no contact

NASA’s interstellar explorer Voyager 1 is finally communicating with ground control in an understandable way again. On Saturday (April 20), Voyager 1 updated ground control about its health status for the first time in 5 months. While the Voyager 1 spacecraft still isn’t sending valid science data back to Earth, it is now returning usable information about the health and operating status of its onboard engineering systems. 


Unforgiving Failures: the challenges of upper stages

Three days before Christmas, an Alpha rocket built by Firefly Aerospace lifted off from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The initial phases of the flight appeared to go as expected, placing the upper stage and its satellite payload, a Lockheed Martin technology demonstration satellite called Tantrum, into a parking orbit. All that was left, Firefly said as it wrapped up its launch webcast, was a second burn of the upper stage about 40 minutes later to circularize the orbit.