Bring the International Space Station into your classroom

Mission control for the ISS on your TV

What is it?

The ISS-Above is a fun and educational device that connects people to the International Space Station, and specifically to the humans on board. Our mission is to bring this magnificent human scientific achievement into your home, schools and offices and to inspire awe in the beauty and fragility of the planet we call home.

The magic of the ISS-ABOVE

The ISS-ABOVE is a single-board computer that calculates where the International Space Station is at all times. Hooked up to a TV and it displays screens with information that show you where the ISS is and when you can see it in your skies. Yes, that’s right. At certain times of day (around dawn and dusk) the ISS looks like a very bright star moving steadily across the sky in 6-10 minutes.

Buy the ISS ABOVE unit online now
Find out where the International Space Station is.....
When it will be next in your skies
And where to look for it