Not all education can or should take place in the classroom. Some of the most educational, engaging and memorable experiences that students will ever have can be those that occur on excursions, camps, and study trips. The challenge for many schools is funding and resourcing such opportunities. With so many competing priorities, the focus for the school must always be: what will achieve the greatest impact for the smallest spend?
One way to manage this challenge is for schools to take advantage of highly specialised external organisations that provide amazing opportunities for schools, without impacting the school’s budget or curriculum. One such company is One Giant Leap Australia, who specialise in a range of STEM-related programs, not the least of which is providing students the chance to visit and study at Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama,
in the US.
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to Space Camp with Jackie and Bob, the founders and directors of One Giant Leap Australia, along with a group of students from a wide range of schools in 2018.
Read more on page 42 and 43 of the March edition of Education Technology Solutions magazine.